Organics Collection

Use EcoSafe to easily get your building in compliance with SB 1383

What is SB 1383?

Senate Bill 1383 was passed in 2015 and came into effect on January 1, 2022. It is California’s goal to reduce the amount of organic waste going to landfill by 75% by 2025.

In short, all businesses, schools, single-family homes, and multi-family complexes are required to subscribe to an organics collection service and separate organics in to their green bins

How can EcoSafe Help?

The EcoSafe MultiRes® program includes all the tools and information you need to set up a new, or improve an existing, SB 1383 compliant organics collection program. 

Simply purchase what you need from our partners at Home Depot, and download our informative materials to put it together yourself. Or get connected with a broker to have them guide you through the set up.

Organics Collection doesn’t have to be complicated

The EcoSafe MultiRes® program will get your building or complex compliant with SB 1383 quickly and easily. EcoSafe has been implementing this program in multi-unit residential buildings across North America since 2015. Using our certified compostable bags, right-sized bins, and wall mounted dispenser along with our communication and signage has resulted in extremely high resident participation with low (or zero) visible contamination. 

Feel comfortable knowing that with EcoSafe®, you’re doing the right thing for the environment and the law.

With this program, your residents are introduced to food scraps collection through clearly designed signage in the common area(s), an instructional resident package, and the EcoSafe® bags, bins, and dispensers to make everything work. 


Have questions? Want to get connect with a broker in your area? We’re happy to help.

    Do It Yourself

    Prefer to get things done on your own? We’ve got you covered. For the first time ever, EcoSafe® is sharing everything you need to know to set up your very own MultiRes program. Enter your email below and you’ll be given access a full program setup video, and links to purchase all of the products you need directly from Home Depot.

    Enter your information for instant access to the DIY Instructions.

    Enter your information for instant access to the DIY Instructions

      With this program, your residents are introduced to food scraps collection through clearly designed signage in the common area(s), an instructional resident package, and the EcoSafe bags, bins, and dispensers to make everything work. 

      All the Tools You Need

      Click on the products that are best suited for your situation. You can purchase everything you need from Home Depot.

      For Smaller Buildings/Complexes

      For Larger Buildings/Complexes

      For ALL buildings/complexes


      If you still have questions, Gary, our Director of US National Sales would be happy to help you out.