Gary Bilbro

Director of Sales - USA

I’ve been with EcoSafe for over 6 years now. My current role is the Director of Sales for the US.  My previous experience as a food scrap hauler, composter and organics consultant provide me with the knowledge to help our distributors sell our products to their waste generators and to help these waste generators understand how to separate their food scraps from their trash and recycling.  I love working for EcoSafe because of our tremendous team and leadership.  The future of our planet requires that we all do better with our waste.  It’s great knowing the rest of my career will be dedicated to helping everyone do their part to reverse climate change and regenerate our soils.

  • Member of the USCC Legislative Environmental Affairs Committee (LEAC)
  • Member of the USCC Chapter Advisory Committee
  • Active in the following US Compost Council State Chapters:
  • Advocacy Committee Member North Carolina Composting Council
  • Board of Director and Advisory Committee Chair Florida Composting Council,
  • Advocacy Committee member New Jersey Compost Council
  • Seeding the South Carolina Chapter