Nadia Hof
Warehouse Associate
Before EcoSafe I was working in a high-volume distribution warehouse in the hydroponics industry. After the warehouse closed, I found myself looking for something more in a workplace. I was drawn to EcoSafe not only because of the warm, welcoming atmosphere but also because of everyone’s dedication to sustainability and protecting Mother Nature!
Growing up on a small farm in South Langley, I was lucky to be raised amongst bountiful green spaces and had the ability to spend almost all my time in the great outdoors, being one with the plants and animals around me. I believe animals (and all living things) to be equal to human beings in value and necessity. I am a lover of all things green, and an outdoor enthusiast who off-roads/camps minimum once a month. Knowing I can disappear into the mountains, into total isolation and return home leaving no trace brings me untold amounts of joy. The ability to disconnect entirely and vanish into nature is a foreign concept in today’s world, full of tech and instant gratification. Being in nature nurtures the soul in a way I believe is a necessity for everyone’s well-being; mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically.
No step in the right direction is too small regarding saving the world, and don’t be afraid to hug trees! They need love too. 🌳🌎💚