Ric Mallett
Founding Partner
As one of the Founding Partners at EcoSafe, it has and will continue to be my role to grow awareness and market share as the company adds new levels of talented people to realize our goals. I joined Dick Freeman and Phil Ragan to make a difference, and I am proud to say that we did. Over the past twenty years, we have patented three dispensers that have changed the way people collect and source separate food scraps from landfills right across North America. These patented dispensers affect how residential high rises, office towers, college dorms, and single-family homes source separate food scraps from our landfills. It was our chance to affect the market; we needed to innovate and educate this market as we developed systems that made sense for the consumer. I am paraphrasing here, but Ben Rosen once said about electric cars, “there are not many chances you have in this industry to change it and do something good for society and clean up the air.” Martin Eberhard, another electric car guy, went on to say, – “It’s kind of foolish to think that we can continue to spill carbon dioxide into the air and expect nothing to happen.” Our work continues to be a rewarding experience every day, and on behalf of our EcoSafe team, we wish to thank you for your continued support.